Discord Instructions

There are 3 ways to interact with the bot on Discord:

  1. In a server the bot is already in
  2. By adding the bot to your own server
  3. By a private message not in any server

Existing server

Simply join any server the bot is a part of. For example, you can join the official SlugDiningBot Discord server here - https://discord.gg/nYJeFCP and interact on the #general channel. All commands explained on the discord page will work.

Your Own Server

Add the bot to any server you are an administrator of, and can then setup permissions to allow the bot to only interact on some channels of your liking. Detailed instructions can be found on this techjunkie article. The bot link is: https://discordapp.com/oauth2/authorize?client_id=530255285038612481&scope=bot

By a Private Message

First, join a discord server the bot is a part of. For example, the official SlugDiningBot server (https://discord.gg/nYJeFCP). Go to the #announcements channel, click on the SlugDiningBot user, then message the bot !help to initiate a private message. You can leave the official server if you wish at this point.