Linux Scoring Engine
A Scoring Engine for Linux designed with CyberPatriot in mind, but can be adapted and used for many cyber-defense competitions and other scenarios
At it’s current state, it is a Java swing program which can be run on nearly any x86/x64 OS that supports Java. The program’s final “Generate” button should only be run on the target system. For example, if VM1 is where the engine is intended to be deployed, the “Generate” function should only be run on VM1, and not on another system. While this will generate the installer, moving it to VM1 and installing it will cause numerous undesired outcomes. However, the vulnerabilities themselves can be created on a seperate image - such as VM2, and then be transferred back to VM1 using the “Save to file” function.
If you haven’t already, check out Sam Bowne’s page on my engine!. Note that the download on his page is outdated!
For more information, check out the Features page, if you are having trouble, check out the Help page, and if you would like to contact me, feel free to Contact me.
When you are ready, please request your engine.